Arturia DrumBrute, Behringer Drum Machine – A new era of analog drum machines?

Hey readers and friends, today is the day where I reactivate a bit more my activity of this blog. Many thanks for all your health wishes, you are a great community. In my inactivity time, I was unhappy to not release any news about the new analog drum machine by Arturia. I think all you have already read the features and watched a lot of videos about it. 

For me personal, Arturia’s new analog baby sounds excellent for this price. It’s a no-brainer for me because for the same price, you can buy a Roland digital emulation drum machine. Here you can real analog technology with modern features. This was not all the news about Drum machines because last week, Uli Behringer, CEO of the Behringer company announced a poll about a future Drum Machine. After the release of the DeepMind 12 Synthesizer, they plan to develop and release a entire new analog drum machine. 

When I read both news, I thought directly about a new era of analog drum machines. I’m really happy to see that developers nows concentrate on analog drum machine. Most of the available drum machines are expensive (Tempest, Analog Rhythm, …) but Arturia (maybe also Behringer) change this aspect dramatically. A real analog drum machine for 499 USD is really impressive and never seen before. One of the cheapest analog drum machines is the KORG Volca Beats but it doesn’t sound excellent. 

The question is now: what can we expect about the future drum machines. Cheaper and with great modern features? Will Korg release a big analog drum machine to compete the other developers. Will Roland change their perception and begin to develop also a real analog drum machine?   

For a good sound overview, check out this video from the source distribution, a distributor of Arturia products. It’s really shows amazing how good and unique the Drum Brute sounds. 
Arturia really raise the bar of affordable analog drum machines with this release. With a future Behringer drum machine, I hope the war of new analog drum generators just started

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